and especially to Mencius's explanation. The restricting it to the former, in opposition to the maxim—不以辞害志, has led to the erroneous view of the whole passage animadverted on above. Mung is now convinced that it was only on Yaou's death that Shun became full emperor, but after that event there still remained the relation between him and Koosow, and how could he be at once sovereign and son to him? How was it that Koo-sow would be at once father and subject to him? 诗云,—see the She-king,II, vi, Ode I, st.2. 云汉之诗,—see the She-king, III, iii,Ode IV, st. 3. 志,—"the scope," i.e., the mind or aim of the writer. 3. 诗曰,—see the She-king, III, i, Ode IX,st. 3, celebrating the praises of King Woo.—This par.shows that Shun, by his exaltation, honored his father only the more exceedingly.